What is a Q-tip for?
According to the box, there are 14 suggested uses from removing makeup to cleaning your computer keyboard. But real use of Q-tips is not just absent from the list, but in fact, found in a warning at the bottom, "Do not insert swap into ear canal"
As far as I am concerned, cleaning ears is the only logical reason for the existence of a Q-tip. I quite sure that's what it was designed for and probably used for millions of times. But apparently the "more soft cotton at the tip than any other swab" is not enough to offset the incredible danger of putting it in your ear.
We all know why there is a warning. Either there was a stupid person who hurt himself and sued, or there is a fear that there will be.
Blame the lawyers. Blame the stupid. Blame the greedy. The bottom line is, we are so enslaved to the fear that we can't even admit what a Q-tip is used for.