Monday, December 08, 2008

News TV No Fun for Kids

More funny phrases from the younger generation...

My son complained the other day when he turned on the TV because it was on a news channel instead of cartoons. Well, that's how I describe it. He put it a bit differently:

He said the TV was showing "The newspaper movie".

Thursday, December 04, 2008

An Easy Way to Invest in Gold

You can invest in gold very easily through GLD, an ETF. An ETF(exchange-traded-fund) is a mutual fund that is traded on the exchange like a stock.

The GLD fund holds actual gold. And since they hold it, you don't have to deal with carting around wheelbarrows full of gold -- we all know how annoying that can be! :)

Peter Schiff has predicted the price of the DOW and the price of gold will meet at some point. Currently the DOW is at about 8,500 and gold is under 1,000.
If they are going to meet there is a lot of bleeding still left in stocks... and/or a lot to be made -- or at least protected -- with gold.

10/28/08 Peter Schiff predicts doomed economy under Obama

Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007

Economic Situation - What do we do?

Things are bad in the economy in many ways. I DO mean to sound like an alarmist, because I think we need to be discussing and planning. Before we can plan, we have to look realistically at our situation. The government is playing extremely dangerous games with money. As reactionary as it may sound, I think we may be at the edge of events that could significantly change all of our lives.

Citigroup released a report with dire warnings about the economic situation. (Glenn Beck discussing the Citigroup report). This is Citigroup, not some radicals moving out the the wilderness and stocking up on guns and canned food. They talk about "meltdowns" and "political instability". More evidence that maybe we are teetering on the edge. In Citigroup's words "The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done."

What do we do? We definitely need to be having dialogs about it. In my view, we need to be doing a few things:
  1. Don't panic. Thankfully God is the one in charge, not the fools in Washington
  2. Buy gold (there is a lot about gold in this article)
  3. Do disaster planning: have food and necessities on hand, at least like you would for a hurricane or blizzard (perhaps a lot more)
  4. Talk about it. We need to take care of ourselves and each other. We cannot depend on the government to do it.


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