Sunday, September 25, 2005

How You Know You are Watching A Sci-Fi Movie

It turns out that Sci-Fi is not the most creative of genre's. There are several ways to tell you are watching a Sci-Fi movie:

6. There is a woman in command, or desiring to be.

5. There is a human-alien baby on the way.

4. The technical expert is a handicapped black guy.

3. The enemy first appears to be some hideous creature that was the result of experimentation, but in the end, the true enemy is corporate greed.

2. At the end of the show, there are only two survivors, a man and a woman, who started out at each other's throats, but are now romantically involved.

1. There is some actor who used to be famous working with a bunch of bad actors you have never heard of before.


Fred Holmes said...

Boy I thought Alien was a sci-fi movie. In fact, I'm almost certain that it was. Unless it was a documentary. Or am I on Earth?

Craig Bedward said...

HaHa! Of course there are good sci-fi movies. I count myself as a sci-fi fan, actually. I just get a bit tired of the non-creative thinking that is far too common in the genre.