There is a tendency people have to avoid the reality of market cycles. Things go up, things go down. But we want to ignore that second part.
First there was the "Dot Com" bubble. Internet companies were up, up up! dooooooown.
So people bailed and went into real estate. People bought houses that were bigger than they needed because it was an "investment" (how's that working out?). Some people put granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances into old shacks in California and sold them for half a million dollars. You couldn't lose. Then again...
So here we are. The internet bubble popped. The real estate bubble popped. So what do we bail to next? What is the next wave? The next thing to go only up? What could solve all of our financial problems?
Whatever it is, I sure hope it arrives soon to save us. This time it won't pop. It will only go up, only get better and better. Finally, the bubble to end all bubbles.
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