Wednesday, September 01, 2010

On the matter of a large sum of money...

I got an interesting version of the Nigerian scam in my inbox today. There was something different that caught my eye. I usually just delete them, but from time to time it is just interesting to read through and try to figure out what new angle someone is using to bilk the the dumb masses.

It was from a South Korean with a Chinese name working at a bank in Hong Kong (Hong Kong, Asia). I won't reveal his name for his protection

The most remarkable line was almost at the end:
...I am putting my career and the life of my family at stake with this venture. Although nothing ventured is nothing gained.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained!? So, you can't make money unless you are willing to risk... the lives of your family! And I thought the economy was bad here in the U.S. I sure am glad I don't live in Hong Kong, Asia!


Nathan Bergeron said...
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Nathan Bergeron said...

Nice! I've read some strange ones myself, but that one is really freakish.