Monday, August 15, 2005

Great book deal has some great deals on books. They have a very large political section, from which I just made a purchase. It will provide me with more reading than I can get to for some time. Here are some of the deals I picked up:
Treason by Ann Coulter, hardcover for $6.99
The Death of the West by Pat Buchanan for $1.49
Fighting Terrorism by Benjamin Netanyahu for $4.99
Ten Things You Can't Say in America by Larry Elder, hardcover for $3.99 (softcover available for $2).
Showdown by Larry Elder, hardcover for $3.00
Slouching Towards Gamorrah by Robert Bork for $4.99
The Politics of Bad Faith by David Horowitz for $3.49

For about $30 (nearly the cover price of Treason alone) I have enough material to make me mad at liberals for years to come!

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